
Townstar allows players to earn gala tokens by placing within the top 100 players. The game is free to play.

You can also earn NFT’s that can be used inside our gaming ecosystem with upcoming games such as Mirandus, and our third party gaming company partners games heading into the future.


You can also obtain NFT’s or parts of NFT’s to build speciality bots useable inside Townstar (Which can also be used in future games or sell them on the opensea market or directly to friends via our in-game gifting system by purchasing a light-node that runs on your computer, or can be run on a VPS.)

Currently the node doesn’t use any resources, the only requirement is to run the node for 6 hours every 24 hour period to be paid out each day at distribution time.
Townstar is run and owned by the founders of Zynga and Sandbox Games.


Livepeer is a decentralized video transcoding network built on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol enables cost-efficient broadcasting and streaming services natively in the video layer of the Web 3.0 stack.
